Analysing the Demographics, Aetiology, Management, and Outcomes of Major Burns (≥20% TBSA) – An 8-Year Retrospective Study

Jenyu Shaw1, Elizabeth Vujcich
1Royal Brisbane And Women’s Hosptial, Herston , Queensland , Australia


Background: Major burns are a life changing trauma with the potential for significant burden to both physical and mental health (Van Baar et al. 2006). As a state-wide tertiary referral center, the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) provides an invaluable source of data for major burns.

Purpose: To describe the demographics, aetiology, management, and outcomes of major burns at the RBWH.

Method: Ethics exemption was obtained for an eight-year retrospective study encompassing admissions from January 2014 to December 2022. Patient data was accessed via integrated electronic medical records (ieMR). Inclusion criteria comprised of age ≥16 at time of injury, and burns ≥20% TBSA.

Results: A total of 266 patients met inclusion criteria (males 209 [78.6%], females 57 [21.4%]). The average age at time of injury was 41.5±17.21 years, with an average BMI of 28.10kg/m2. The average %TBSA was 39.76%. Flame burns (241, 90.6%) were the most common type of injury, with self-immolation (57, 21.42%) the most common aetiology. Bronchoscopy proven inhalation injury was evident in 111 (41.7%) patients, with 176 (66.2%) intubated during the acute period post burn. Average ICU length of stay (LoS) was 14.07±13.91 days, and total acute LoS was 28.21±28.98 days. Bacteriaemia (50, 36.0%) and ventilator associated pneumonia (34, 24.5%) were the most common complications. Death resulted in 52 (19.5%) of the cohort.

Conclusion: Major burns continue to be associated with significant rates of inhalation injury, prolonged hospital admissions, and high rates of mortality. The data described provides clinicians a foundation of knowledge for these complex trauma patients.

Van Baar, M.E., Essink-Bot, M.L., Oen, I.M.M.H., Dokter, J., Boxma, H. and van Beeck, E.F., 2006. Functional outcome after burns: a review. Burns, 32(1), pp.1-9.


I am a surgical Senior House Officer currently placed at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital. I am particularly interested in general surgery, including trauma and burns.