The Effect of Primary Admission to Indonesia’s National Referral Burn Center on The Outcome of Adult Burn Patients

Sheila Oklia1,2, Aditya Wardhana1,2, Nandita Melati Putri1,2, Akhmad Noviandi Syarif1,2, Nadya Farhana1,2, Alisa Sharen Assyifa1,2, Ko Abel Ardana Kusuma1,2,
1Faculty Of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta Indonesia
2Department of Surgery – Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Division, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo National Hospital , Jakarta Indonesia


Burn injury is a major trauma problem in Indonesia. However, there’s still a limited number of hospitals with burn center facility in the country. Early admission to the burn center is necessary to achieve early treatment and better outcome. This study presented a comparison between directly admitted patients (primary admission) and patients that were referred from other health care center (secondary admission) to Indonesia’s national referral burn center regarding the outcome of adult burn patients.
A retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted on adult patients admitted to dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital Jakarta Burn Unit between 2012–2022. Based on the admission, patients are divided into two groups, primary admission and secondary admission. Length of stay and mortality in each group were analyzed.
Out of 985 patients, 108 patients (11%) were primarily admitted and 877 patients (89%) were referred from lower level of health facility. Both groups achieved in similar number of mortality (p>0.05). However, the length of stay in primary admission group is significantly lower than the secondary admission group (p>0.05). The mean length of stay in primary admission was shorter (15.04 ± 10.8 days) compared to secondary admission group (18.16 ± 14.03 days).
Our study indicates that primary admission contributed in reducing the length of stay of burn patients. Therefore, it would be necessary to review precise initial assessment in first health center provider and evaluate referral system timewise to improve the outcome of burn patients.


Sheila Oklia is a general practitioner, graduating from Brawijaya University, Indonesia in 2021. She has a 1 year working experience in a second tier hospital in Jakarta, and since then showed an interest towards plastic reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, particularly in burn. Currently, she’s an intern in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Division, Department of Surgery, dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Universitas Indonesia.