Burn Wound Conversion Scoring System as a Reference for Burn Referral Criteria in Indonesia
Sheila Oklia1,2, Alisa Sharen Assyifa1,2, Nadya Farhana1,2, Aditya Wardhana1,2, 1Department of Surgery, Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Division, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta Indonesia2Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta Indonesia
Background: Burn wound conversion factors were developed into a scoring system to predict a conservative or operative management in burns. This scoring system can be implemented as a referral criteria for burn patients. Factors associated with burn wound conversion are burn wound location, laboratories result including procalcitonin and lactate, and Image J and Flir One assessment. This scoring system can be used in daily practice as a referral criteria in Indonesia.
Methods: A literature review comparing burn wound conversion scoring system to International Burn Referral Criteria. We are comparing our burn wound conversion scoring system with ANZBA burn referral criteria, ABA burn referral criteria, and BBA burn referral criteria.
Results: All of the burn referral criteria reviewed , the ANZBA, ABA, and BBA guideline focuses on six main referral criteria. ABA burn referral guideline split the criteria into two groups, immediate consultation with consideration to transfer and consultation recommendation. This may be challenging to be applied in developing countries such as Indonesia. Our burn conversion scoring system uses an online artificial intelligence which makes it accessible and makes the referral more objective. However, there are some additional examinations required such as laboratory findings, Image J, and Flir One.
Conclusion: Our burn wound conversion scoring system may be used as a standard in determining referral criteria regardless of the need for more advanced laboratories and equipment such as image J and Flir One so that referrals can be targeted and treatment is more appropriate.
Sheila Oklia is a general practitioner. She has a 1 year working experience in a second tier hospital in Jakarta, and since then showed an interest towards plastic reconstructive and aesthetic surgery, particularly in burn. Currently, she’s an intern in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Division, Department of Surgery, dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Universitas Indonesia.
Alisa Sharen Assyifa is a general practitioner in Jakarta, Indonesia. She is currently intern in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Division Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital. She is very interested in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery especially regarding burn and wound patients.