Analyzing The Accuracy of Using The One Day Per Percent Burn Rule as A Prediction of Hospital Length of Stay in The Burn Unit at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta

Alisa Sharen Assyifa1,2, Aditya Wardhana1,2, Akhmad Noviandi Syarif1,2, Nandita Melati Putri1,2, Sheila Oklia1,2, Nadya Farhana1,2, Ko Abel Ardana Kusuma1,2,
1Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta Indonesia
2Departemen of Surgery -Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Division Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta Indonesia


Background: Hospital Length of Stay (LOS) is a critical indicator for the effective management and quality of care. The target LOS for burn patients is one day per percent of total body surface area burn. This study aimed to analyze the accuracy of using the one day per percent burn rule as a prediction of hospital length of stay, whether the target is achieved, and, if not, which factors contribute to a prolonged length of stay.

Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis and collected the medical record through Electronic Health Records. The inclusion criteria are adult patients admitted to the burn unit of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital between 2012-2022. Exclusion criteria are patients who do not complete demographical data, readmission patients, and dead patients.

Results: Of the 530 total patients, 376 (70.9%) achieved the target of 1 day stay per %TBSA burn while 154 (29.1%) had a larger ratio. TBSA has a positive and significant relationship with the LOS (coefficient =0,140; p-value = 0,001). In our burn unit, median length of stay (LoS) was 1 day per %TBSA burn (mean 1.0071). Factors associated with a lengthened hospital stay were TBSA, burn depth, cause of the burn, and tangential excision for surgical intervention.

Conclusion: Despite many factors affecting the length of stay, predicting LOS using the one day per percent burn rule is still effective enough to be applied. Further work must be able to minimize the impact of the identified factors that can extend the length of stay in the hospital.


Alisa Sharen Assyifa is a general practitioner in Jakarta, Indonesia. She is currently intern in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Division Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital. She is very interested in Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery especially regarding burn and wound patients.