TAS Burns jumping on the eLearning train!

Rebecca Schrale1, Sarah Sproule1,
1Tasmanian Burns Unit, Royal Hobart Hospital, Hobart, TAS, Australia


In September 2022, the Tasmanian Burns Unit developed an e-learning burns package titled ‘Burns Management & Assessment’. Burns education is delivered through face-to-face education across the hospital and state-wide including TEAMS and telehealth delivery. Presentations are also available for clinical staff on the THS Intranet site as recorded presentations. Despite this, due to workforce and staffing, it is an impossible task to deliver education that is accessible to everyone. The COVID pandemic highlighted this further.

Method: The learning package was created to be a resource state-wide and an annual competency for all staff working in the Burns Unit. It was reviewed by numerous clinicians including nursing, medical & allied health prior to going live. The learning package includes 13 modules that can be saved individually and take around 10 minutes to complete. The education is aimed at the management of burns in both paediatrics and adults. The modules complement and reenforce the EMSB course core components and include a primary survey, first aid and secondary survey. The modules also include education on pathophysiology, burn depth, TBSA, fluid resuscitation, escharotomy, referral and transfer, nutrition and haemochromogenuria. Participants are required to complete all modules and then progress to a multiple-choice quiz that is based on patient scenarios. Once completed the participant receives a certificate.

Results: The e-learning online package has been extremely successful with approximately 278 participants completing it state-wide since it was launched. We are continually collecting feedback from the e-learning and changing the package to reflect this. The course also provides senior burns nurses with an easy method of collating competency data of their staff and provides easy to interpret analytics.

Continued improvement of the site with ongoing review of the feedback received. Potential to include a module on minor burn management and wound care into the future.


Burns Nurse Practitioner Tasmanian Burns Unit