Welcoming Burns to the PARTY (Program)!
Gabby Pulbrook1, Rebecca Schrale1, 1Tasmanian Health Service – Tasmanian Burns Service, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Background: The P.A.R.T.Y. (Prevent Alcohol and Risk-Related Trauma in Youth) Program is a one-day program aimed at high school students, to learn about risk taking behaviours associated with alcohol and drugs and their impacts on risk related trauma, usually aimed around drink driving (P.A.R.T.Y Program, 2020).
Method: Linking with Trauma to have a shared PARTY program, weaving Burns into the day. Discussions around burn related risks can be incorporated into the generalised risks around drinking and partying, as well as the increasing problem of ‘challenges’ without ‘challenging’ them. Incorporation into discussions around motor vehicle collisions, and the risk of the car igniting, and the long-term outcomes of a burn injury. At days end, there is a discussion with a survivor, where a burn’s survivor can be included, as well as the potential use of burns resource videos.
Results: The program has had a long hiatus in Tasmania, we are still incorporating burns into the program. Fine tuning is occurring, with the aim to have burns included in discussions around risks, retrieval, and trauma call scenarios, include burns first aid and allied health in the breakout sessions, and have a burns survivor talking to the students, sharing their story, alternating each month with a trauma survivor.
Conclusion: Although the program is still in its infancy in Tasmania, it is exciting to share the burns prevention message with another at risk population we previously did not have a lot of involvement with. With successful integration into the program, this format could hopefully be implemented with PARTY programs nation-wide.
P.A.R.T.Y Program 2020, About P.A.R.T.Y Program, P.A.R.T.Y Program, viewed 8th May 2023, www.partyprogram.com/about/
Gabby Pulbrook – Burns Clinical Nurse Specialist at the Tasmanian Health Service.
Rebecca Schrale – Burns Nurse Practitioner at the Tasmanian Health Service.