TBSA related Mortality and Evaluation of Referral System of Burns Among Children in a National Referral Hospital in Indonesia: A 10-year Retrospective Study

Nadya Farhana1, Sheila Oklia1, Alisa Sharen Assyifa1, Aditya Wardhana1, Nandita Melati Putri1, Akhmad Noviandi Syarif1, Ko Abel Ardana Kusuma1,
1Department Of Surgery, Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital – Faculty Of Medicine Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta Indonesia


Purposes: This study is aims to describe the epidemiology of burn injuries among children, TBSA relation with mortality, and evaluation of referral system of Burns in a National Referral Hospital in Indonesia.
Methods: A 10-years period data were collected from January 2012 to December 2022, obtained from medical records. The data were studied retrospectively in terms of age, sex, total burn surface area (TBSA), burn grade, etiology, referral time, and mortality. All data were analysed using SPSS 24.0 software.
Results: A total of 339 burn patients were admitted with the average of 30 burned children per year. The mean age of burn patients is 5 years old with 49.3% patients were toddler and 61.9% patients were male. Most patients were admitted with >40% TBSA and partial to full thickness degree of burn. Scald was the leading cause of burns (52.8%) followed by flame (23.3%). 10.9% mortality cases were reported with >40% TBSA. 23% late presentation of burns admitted to the burn center for more than 24 hours since the incident. There is a significant difference between TBSA and mortality in children burn patients (p<0.05) and there is an association between mortality and late presentation cases (p<0.05). 91% of the late presentation cases were happened in Jakarta, A capital city in Indonesia, with multiple stage of referred hospital before admitted to the burn center. Conclusion: There is a relationship between TBSA and mortality and there is an association between mortality and late presentation cases. The burn referral system in Indonesia needs to be evaluated.


Nadya Farhana, MD is a medical doctor graduated from Universitas Indonesia, currently working in a few researches in Department of Surgery, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital – Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Indonesia