Dr Gabrielle Croker1, Dr  Jessica  Kierath1

1Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, Australia


Electric scooters are one of the fastest growing forms of mobility globally (Wang et al. 2022). With the increasing popularity of the transport and since the legalisation of eScooters in Western Australia in December 2021, there has been an increase in presentations and admissions to hospital with injuries caused by these devices (Toofany et al. 2021; Beck et al. 2020).

A retrospective observational audit was conducted at the state major trauma centre of Western Australia, Royal Perth Hospital from January 2020 to April 2022. The aim of this research was to examine the incidence and extent of injuries, focusing specifically on abrasions caused by eScooter accidents. We sought to map the rate of abrasion related injuries as legislation changed from December 2021. Demographics, drug and alcohol use, helmet use and interventional procedures were analysed.

Previous research has focused on the incidence of fractures, head trauma and soft tissue injury (Kobayashi et al. 2019; Toofany et al. 2021; Harbrecht et al. 2022; Kleinertz et al. 2021). To date, there has been no focus on the rate of abrasions and the required management of the wounds caused by e-Scooters.

This research is aiming to provide up-to-date information for more intensive education about injury consequences from e-Scooter accidents.


Beck, S., L. Barker, A. Chan, and S. Stanbridge. 2020. ‘Emergency department impact following the introduction of an electric scooter sharing service’, Emerg Med Australas, 32: 409-15.

Harbrecht, A., M. Hackl, T. Leschinger, S. Uschok, K. Wegmann, P. Eysel, and L. P. Muller. 2022. ‘What to expect? Injury patterns of Electric-Scooter accidents over a period of one year – A prospective monocentric study at a Level 1 Trauma Center’, Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol, 32: 641-47.

Kleinertz, H., D. Ntalos, F. Hennes, J. V. Nuchtern, K. H. Frosch, and D. M. Thiesen. 2021. ‘Accident Mechanisms and Injury Patterns in E-Scooter Users-A Retrospective Analysis and Comparison With Cyclists’, Dtsch Arztebl Int, 118: 117-21.

Kobayashi, L. M., E. Williams, C. V. Brown, B. J. Emigh, V. Bansal, J. Badiee, K. D. Checchi, E. M. Castillo, and J. Doucet. 2019. ‘The e-merging e-pidemic of e-scooters’, Trauma Surg Acute Care Open, 4: e000337.

Toofany, M., S. Mohsenian, L. K. Shum, H. Chan, and J. R. Brubacher. 2021. ‘Injury patterns and circumstances associated with electric scooter collisions: a scoping review’, Inj Prev, 27: 490-99.

Wang, Kailai, Xiaodong Qian, Dillon Taylor Fitch, Yongsung Lee, Jai Malik, and Giovanni Circella. 2022. ‘What travel modes do shared e-scooters displace? A review of recent research findings’, Transport Reviews: 1-27.


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