Dr Michelle Chen1, Professor Roy Kimble1, Ms Kristen Storey1

1Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital, Brisbane, Australia


Introduction: Intravenous access for medications and fluid therapy is commonplace in paediatric hospital admissions. However, despite the clinical guidelines (CPG) and education, extravasation injuries (EI) and associated complications still occur.

Description: Over the last decade, research and advancement of medical technology have changed how complex wounds are managed.
This study is a retrospective review of medical records of extravasation/ infiltration injuries reported on risk management database (RiskMan) at a quaternary paediatric hospital.

The database has identified over 80 cases of extravasation injuries from May 2017 to May 2018. The review aims to determine the demographics, pattern of injuries and examine the management methods employed, and follow-up of outcomes.

The hospital has a mandatory education program on prevention, identification, and management of EIs for clinical staff. This study will also evaluate the effectiveness of mandatory education and identify potential methods in reducing extravasation injury incidences.

Discussion: What is the current pattern of extravasation and infiltration injuries seen in paediatric population?
Does education effectively prevent, and assist staff in correctly identifying extravasation and infiltration injury?
Current management methods, future trends and outcomes.

Conclusion: The majority of EIs are managed conservatively with anti-microbial dressings and regular reviews with generally favorable cosmetic and functional outcome. Surgical intervention is required in rare cases, however, still essential.

Justification for presentation:
I hope this study raises awareness for extravasation/infiltration injuries and the vital role of burns specialty knowledge. A retrospective review is a learning opportunity to improve and provide the best care for our patients.


Dr. Michelle Chen is a paediatric surgery Principal House Officer at the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital, with a special interest in paediatric surgery, trauma, and burns.