Mrs Ellen Wilson1, Mrs Rob  Wiedemann1

1Alfred Hospital, Oakleigh, Australia


Splinting of axillar burns to prevent contracture and loss of joint function is challenging in all settings for nurses, allied health and patients.
In 2016 a working group involving Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Burns Clinical Nurse Specialists from the Alfred Hospital ICU set out to improve axillar contracture management.
Key objectives for the project were that the splint design must maintain shoulder abduction at 90 degrees, enable patients to be positioned supine, side lying or seated and fabrication of the final product had to be cost effective, compact, transferable and easily fitted.
The initial prototype was completed in late 2017; unfortunately the prototype failed to meet infection controlled standards and required modifications.
The current prototype is a wedge design, consisting of medium density foam rubber and hospital grade outer vinyl covering. Infection prevention approved this design for use in the clinical area.
As of April 2018, we are awaiting an appropriate patient admission to commence trial of the wedge.

Rob. Wiedemann. Acting Burns Resource Nurse and Ellen Wilson, Burns Resource Nurse, Alfred Hospital ICU.


Burns Resource Nurse in ICU at the Alfred since 2014.