Marc Schnekenburger The Alfred This session will explore the changing role and importance of teamwork to the quality and safety of burns care in the Emergency Department. What started as a small clinical improvement project, has led to a deep...
- 28 August 2023
Use of LPG Endermologie (Vacuum Therapy) to treat a range of scars Ms Jane Broadhurst1 1Lymphscar Perth Jane Broadhurst is an experienced Occupational Therapist who has worked in a variety of positions and more recently concentrating her focus on lymphoedema...
- 17 August 2023
Associate Professor Courtney Ryder Discipline Lead Injury Studies; Public health, College of Medicine and Public Health, Flinders University Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are sovereign Australians, having occupied and cared for country since time immemorial. Health and wellbeing determinants...
- 11 August 2023
Case Presentation: Management of acute pain in burns patients with Penthrox® (methoxyflurane) Ms Mel Neely1, Ms Eliza Palfery2 1Burns Liaison Nurse, Victorian Adult Burns Service 2Pain Liaison Nurse, Acute Pain Service Penthrox® (methoxyflurane), commonly referred to as the “Green whistle”...
- 24 July 2023
Dale Forbes Senior Aboriginal Project Officer | Aboriginal Cultural Development and Learning; Organisational Development and Learning | Corporate Services; Department of Communities and Justice When someone recovers from a significant or severe burn injury, we call them a burn survivor....
- 29 August 2022
Dr. Anne Klassen Departments of Surgery and Health Research Methods, Evidence, and Impact (HEI) at McMaster University Traditionally in health care, measurement of outcomes has tended to be from the perspective of clinicians. Today, many people survive diseases that used...
- 25 August 2022
Gretchen J. Carrougher Research Nurse Supervisor at the University of Washington (UW) Medicine Regional Burn Center, Program Coordinator For The Northwest Regional Burn Model System (NWRBMS) and Affiliate Faculty, UW School of Nursing, Department of Biobehavioral Nursing and Health Systems...
- 24 August 2022
Andy Williams FRACS (Plast), EBOPRAS Consultant Plastic Surgeon; Chelsea and Westminster NHS Fdn Trust Chelsea and Westminster Hospital is the busiest burn service in the UK, servicing a diverse population of 22 million people as part of the London and...
- 18 August 2022
Dr Markus Öhlbauer Head of Plastic Surgery / Burn Center; BG Trauma Center Murnau; Paracelsus Medical Private University Salzburg Reconstructions of large full-thickness skin and soft tissue defects with exposed bradytropic tissue like bones or tendons are usually performed with flaps....
- 17 August 2022
Dr Markus Öehlbauer Head of Plastic Surgery / Burn Center; BG Trauma Center Murnau; Paracelsus Medical Private University Salzburg Introduction Despite successful defect coverage by means of complex skin or muscle flaps, particularly large and deep problematic wounds with exposed...
- 17 August 2022