HP Chong1, E Gibson1, L Quinn1, R Cooksey1,D Molony1,A Jeeves1, M Lodge1,B Carney1
1Women’s And Children’s Hospital, North Adelaide, Australia
Introduction: Neonatal burns are rare and challenging. Thermal injuries in neonates are iatrogenic in nature and can have devastating results due to their immature physical and physiological development. We present our unit’s experience with neonatal burns, with particular attention to epidemiology, etiology, management approaches and complications.
Methods: This is a single-site, retrospective study of inpatient and outpatient burn injuries managed in patients less than 29 days-old from 1995 to 2017 at Women’s and Children’s Unit, South Australia. Information was extracted from the local burns database and from individual case notes.
Conclusion: Neonatal burn injuries constitute an important cause of paediatric morbidity in our population.Scald burns are the commonest causes of neonatal burns in the study environment. Burn injuries in this age group are associated with prolonged morbidity and high mortality rate. Neonatal burn injuries emanate from largely preventable causes and health education, highlighting methods of prevention should be undertaken in the community
HP Chong is the Burns Fellow at WCH and previous unaccredited Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery Registrar at Flinders Medical Centre.