Dr Jason Diab1, Dr Wayne Thomas2, Jed Johnson3

1 Port Macquarie Base Hospital, Wrights Rd, NSW, 2444, jdmisciali@gmail.com
2 Cell Innovations, 21b Bathurst Street, Liverpool, NSW, wthomas@cell-innovations.com.au
3 Nanofiber Solutions, 1275 Kinnear Rd, Columbus OH 43212, USA


Wound healing is a complex and dynamic process. Autologous platelet rich plasma is an advanced wound therapy used in hard to heal acute and chronic wounds, as well as burns. Nanofibres are fully synthetic, resorbable wound dressings placed on top of the burn area or wound alongside regular dressings with the application of plasma rich platelets. The dressings facilitate growth and structures in the body to repair the wound and promote healing.


The investigations were initially sought in veterinarian subjects in a variety of applications ranging from acute wounds to chronic non healing wounds. Since then, the initial phase of the pilot study amongst patients is to assess and determine wound closure and healing impact of a combination of platelet rich plasma gels and nanofibres in wounds and burns. All patients would be given a consent form with the outline of the procedures, follow up required, and wound. The patients wound will be photographed at time of injury with fortnightly follow ups for a period of 4 – 6 weeks as per the wound protocol.


The clinical results shows that the rate of healing and growth was facilitated by the nanofibers with notable histological changes compared to normal tissue.


The role of advanced platelet therapy can yield favourable outcomes for patients with quicker speed to recovery and improvement of wound management.

Key Words
Nanofibres, wound care.


A passion for medical research and surgery in developed and developing worlds. With previous experience in policy development and research, I have now taken these interests into developing my surgical career towards plastic surgery in burns care.