Ms Rachel Edmondson1, Ms Joanne Glinsky2, Ms Julie Bricknell1, Ms Louisa Wardrope3, Ms Stephanie Wicks4, Ms Kate Thompson4, Ms Cheri Templeton4, Ms Lisa Harvey2, Ms Anne  Darton5

1Severe Burn Unit, Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, Australia, 2John Walsh Centre for Rehabilitation Research, University of Sydney, Kolling Institute, Sydney, Australia, 3Severe Burn Unit, Concord Repatriation General Hospital, Concord, Australia, 4Severe Burn Unit, the Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Westmead, Australia, 5Agency for Clinical Innovation Statewide Burn Injury Service, St Leonards, Australia


Ongoing independent exercise and stretches are essential for optimal functional and cosmetic outcome post- burn injury.

For years burn therapists have relied on the distribution of generic musculoskeletal hand-outs, stick figure diagrams and more recently the use of patients’ own mobile phones to photograph or video their individualised exercise programme on discharge.

PTX or is a well-recognised, freely available, web-based resource that allows physiotherapists to create professional looking exercise booklets for patients/ clients to be guided through their home exercise programme. Up until now, there has not been any burn injury specific exercises included in their catalogue.


In collaboration with the PTX team, the NSW Burn specialist physiotherapists have embarked on the development of appropriate, meaningful and specific exercises for our unique adult and paediatric burn injured population. The photos and drawings will be of burn survivors demonstrating the specific burn exercises.


These burn specific exercises, as for the existing PTX exercises, can be searched and compiled into exercise programs for patients and can be edited and exported in numerous formats as well as to the patient’s mobile interactive app. Therapists can then remotely monitor patient’s exercise compliance.


The website is a free and valuable resource for physiotherapists working in the area of burn injury across the ANZBA community as well as across the rest of the world. The addition of the burn exercises will enhance PTX to over 1200 exercises specific to multiple diagnoses.


Rachel Edmondson BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy

Graduated from Manchester University, UK in 1993.

Extensive experience working in both UK and Australia.

Worked at Royal North Shore Hospital, Sydney as a senior physiotherapist since 2003 and has been the senior burns and plastics physiotherapist for 7 years, providing specialist services to patients within NSW with burn injury or extensive tissue loss.

Member of the NSW Burns Prevention committee and provides burns education to undergraduate physiotherapists at Sydney University, Charles Sturt University and the University of Western Sydney.