Mr Sandeep Moola1Dr Jared Campbell1, Ms Natalia Adanichkin2, Ms Rochelle Kurmis2

1The Joanna Briggs Institute, Adelaide, Australia, 2Adult Burns Centre, Royal Adelaide Hospital, Adelaide, Australia

Although the importance of care given to burn patients being informed by evidence is well accepted, changing practice where a mismatch between current and best-practice is identified remains a difficult and complicated process. The Joanna Briggs Institute Practical Application of Clinical Evidence System (JBI-PACES) enables a model of practice change wherein current practice is audited against a set of criteria detailing best-practice as defined by the available evidence, barriers to best-practice in areas of deficiency are considered, strategies to overcome those barriers are implemented, and another audit is carried out to confirm improvement. In this project all audits in burns care published utilising the JBI-PACES process were reviewed, and identified barriers to best-practice were extracted. These barriers were then categorised through content analysis to identify typical issues that burns carers are likely to encounter if they attempt to change practice in the burns care setting. Twenty three barriers to best-practice were identified across four implementation projects. Categories were: Lack of documentation (5 occurrences), Non-existence of required resources (3 occurrences), Lack of knowledge (4 occurrences), Staffing issues (3 occurrences), Unsupportive system (4 occurrences), and Unsupportive culture (4 occurrences). Foreknowledge of these likely barriers should help burn care practitioners succeed in their efforts to improve evidence-based practice.

Sandeep Moola is a researcher at the Joanna Briggs Institute working in evidence-based practice for burns care.