Miss Jessica Shapland1
1Children’s Health Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Occupational Therapists have a professional obligation to provide ongoing teaching and training to other Occupational Therapists within rotational positions, provide students placements and to provide clinical support to Occupational Therapists working in generalist roles within regional and remote settings. The sustainability of teaching and training within a busy, acute burns unit can be fatiguing, repetitive and at times not paced or directed to match the learning needs and style of the recipient.
POT-B (Paediatric Occupational Therapy in Burns) is an evidence based E-learning resource developed in 2017 by an Occupational Therapist at the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital. Funded by Children’s Health Queensland’s SLiPAH program (Simulated Learning in Paediatric Allied Health); POT-B highlights the Occupational Therapy Role in paediatric burns from an occupational performance framework.
This resource is free, accessible on personal devices and is designed to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of teaching and learning for the target audience of undergraduate students, new graduate OTs and OTs new to/or returning to the clinical area of burns. Topics included highlight the physical, developmental and psychosocial impacts of a burn on the occupations of a child and their family; and interventions to support the child’s occupational performance. Knowledge gained from this E-learning resource can be used as a foundation to enhance the learner’s clinical reasoning; and to assist with the learner’s translation of theory into the clinical environment via simulated or live learning experiences.
Evaluation of POT-B will be completed by gaining site navigation and access data and feedback from learners.
Jessica has worked as an Occupational Therapist within Adult and Paediatric Burns units over the past 13 years within Australia and the United Kingdom. She is currently acting in an Advanced Clinical Occupational Therapist position within the Pegg Leditschke Paediatric Burns Centre at Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital.