Miss Yvonne Singer1, Rachel Kornhaber2,7, Lisa Martin3, Friji MT4, Shelley Wall5,8,9, Michael Peck6
1Victorian Adult Burns Service, The Alfred, , Australia, 2University of Tasmania, , Australia, 3University of Western Australia, Crawley, Australia, 4JIPMER, , India, 5Pietermaritzburg Metropolitan , , , 6Department of Surgery, Creighton University School of Medicine, , United States, 7National Burns Center, Sheba Medical Center, , Israel, 8Department of Surgery; College of Health Sciences, , , 9Nelson R. Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu-Natal, , South Africa
The ISBI Prevention Committees’ Women’s Safety Initiative aims to reduce violence by burning, including acid attacks, against women and girls. Established in 2018, the groups objectives are to:
1. summarize the published evidence in the scientific literature, analyse data from existing databases worldwide, and develop a framework for ongoing data collections;
2. increase awareness by liaising with and providing recommendations to policy makers, religious leaders, law enforcement officials, healthcare professionals, educational establishments, and local communities; and
3. include real life stories from survivors who are willing to share their experiences.
This presentation will summarise the progress of part one of these objectives. Firstly, it will include a brief overview of the findings of the current peer reviewed literature review. The review seeks to determine the incidence, prevalence and contributing factors relating to violence by burning against women and girls including evidence of the effectiveness of prevention and awareness initiatives. The majority of the literature comes from low and middle-income countries. Secondly, the proposed strategy for collaboration between global burn registries will also be outlined encompassing the framework and strategy for stakeholder engagement. These two small steps are vital for the start of this long journey that seeks cultural change in the reduction of violence against women and girls across the world.
Bio to come