Dr Tuo Zang1, Kiana Heath1, Joseph Etican1, Dr Lan Chen2, Donna Langley1, Professor Andrew Holland3, Dr Lisa Martin4, Dr Mark Fear4, Associate Professor Tony Parker5, Professor Roy Kimble6, Professor Fiona Wood4,7, Associate Professor Leila Cuttle1
1Queensland Universuty of Technology (QUT), School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health, Centre for Children’s Health Research , South Brisbane, Australia, 2Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Central Analytical Research Facility, Brisbane, Australia, 3The Children’s Hospital at Westmead Burns Unit, Kids Research Institute, Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Sydney Medical School, The University of Sydney, Westmead, Australia, 4Burn Injury Research Unit, School of Biomedical Sciences, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, 5Queensland University of Technology (QUT), School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health, Kelvin Grove, Australia, 6Children’s Health Queensland, Queensland Children’s Hospital, South Brisbane, Australia, 7Burns Service of Western Australia, Perth Children’s Hospital and Fiona Stanley Hospital, Perth, Australia
In this study, paired blood plasma (BP) and blister fluid (BF) samples from 5 paediatric burn patients were analysed using mass spectrometry to compare their protein and metabolite composition. The relative quantification of proteins was achieved through a label-free data independent acquisition mode. The relative quantification of metabolites was achieved through a Shimadzu Smart Metabolite Database gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS) targeted assay. In total, 562 proteins and 141 individual metabolites were identified in the samples. There was 81% similarity in the proteins present in the BP and BF, with 50 and 54 unique proteins found in each sample type respectively. BF contained keratinocyte proliferation-related proteins and blood plasma contained abundant blood clotting proteins and apolipoproteins. BF contained more carbohydrates and less alpha-hydroxy acid metabolites than the BP. In this study, there were unique proteins and metabolites in BF and BP which were reflective of the local wound environment and systemic environments respectively. The results from this study demonstrate that the biomolecule content of BF is mostly the same as blood, but it also contains unique information from the local wound environment.
Dr Tuo Zang is a post-doc who completed his PhD in 2018. He has expertise with clinical sample handling, protein extraction and fractionation, mass spectrometry-based omics analysis, NMR based metabolomics analysis, computational biology, and bioinformatics. He has led several projects identifying biomarkers and cellular mechanisms involved in tissue injury.