Knol,R.1, Kelly, E.2, Wellington-Boyd, A.3, Harms, L.4, Cleland, H.5 , Wall, B.6

1Alfred Health, 55 Commercial Rd, Melbourne VIC, 3004.
2Alfred Health, 55 Commercial Rd, Melbourne VIC, 3004.
3Alfred Health, 55 Commercial Rd, Melbourne VIC, 3004.
4University of Melbourne, Parkville, Melbourne VIC 3010.
5Alfred Health, 55 Commercial Rd, Melbourne VIC, 3004.
6Alfred Health, 55 Commercial Rd, Melbourne VIC, 3004.

Psychosocial issues of acute burns patients may impact on health care interventions and outcomes. An exploratory study at The Alfred Hospital has captured the range and complexity of psychosocial factors impacting on acute health outcomes of adult burns patients. Through a data mining methodology, this study provides a systematic audit of psychosocial issues as well as social work interventions within the acute Victorian Adult Burns Service (VABS). A retrospective audit and analysis of The Alfred Hospital medical records/VABS registry data within one year has been undertaken. In this paper, the psychosocial issues, and the relationship between these factors and the burn injury will be presented, along with the implications for improved psychosocial care.

Key Words

Burns, Social Work, Psychosocial, Acute Health


Rose Knol (BA (Soc. Sciences), BA (Social Work), Diploma in Counselling (Psychodynamic)Rose is currently the primary social worker for the Victorian Adult Burns Unit at The Alfred Hospital. Rose has worked as a qualified social worker for the past eighteen years in both acute, sub-acute and community health settings in Australia and overseas. She has previously completed research in conjunction with other hospitals looking at relocation stress for patients.