Dr. Zephanie Tyack1, Angela Thynne2

1 Centre for Children’s Burns and Trauma Research, Children’s Health Research Centre, 62 Graham Street South Brisbane, QLD, 4101. z.tyack@uq.edu.au; jodie.wiseman@uqconnect.edu.au
2 Occupational Therapy Private Practice, Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, Professor Stuart Pegg Adult Burns Unit, Brisbane, athynne@fas.com.au

Whilst national courses exist for nursing and emergency burns management, no national rehabilitation course for burns management exists under the banner of the Australian New Zealand Burn Association (ANZBA).  The need for such a course has been highlighted by requests for education in burns rehabilitation by regional and rural therapists and their managers.  In 2015 planning commenced for the development of a burns rehabilitation course under the banner of ANZBA.  This paper will outline the proposed development process, consultation with the ANZBA board, and will facilitate consultation regarding the development process and course content.    An outline of a 1-day rehabilitation course has been developed after consultation with the ANZBA board.  This outline will be tabled at the board meeting in May 2016 and feedback from the board will be presented.   Plans for developing the course content, linking with existing courses such as EMSB, and governance by the board will be discussed.  It is envisaged that consultation will provide a clear path to develop a short rehabilitation course and pre-reading/learning package under the banner of ANZBA within the next year.

Key Words

Burns, education, rehabilitation


Dr Tyack is a Research Fellow with the Centre for Children’s Burns and Trauma Research.  Her research interest areas are the health-related quality of life, burn scarring, and the burden of disease in people with chronic diseases including burns.  She is also involved in studies investigating comorbidity and complex chronic diseases.