Miss Siobhan Connolly1
1ACI Statewide Burn Injury Service, St Leonards, Australia
Burns from domestic treadmills showed a significant increase in NSW between 2007 and 2008 with numbers more than doubling. This drove the NSW burn community to initiate a campaign to address this issue which culminated in a new legislation.
This presentation aimed to review treadmill burn numbers in NSW, looking for effectiveness of prevention activities and legislation changes.
Data from the NSW Burn Data Registry which collects both in- and out-patient numbers were reviewed.
Since the new legislation treadmill burn numbers not only had slowed but had started to show a slight decline. This was promising not only for this mechanism, but also for additional prevention campaigns for different mechanisms. Afterall most burns are preventable.
Unfortunately, COVID-19 with its lockdowns has led to an increase with significantly higher numbers over the last two years.
Siobhan has worked in burns for 25 years.
She has completed a Bachelor of Nursing, Masters of Nursing Science (Burns Nursing) and is currently a PhD candidate with UNSW.
She is Chair of the ANZBA Burn Prevention Committee and a member of the ANZBA Board.
She has co-authored multiple papers.