Dr Bronwyn Griffin1, Prof Roy Kimble1 1Centre For Children’s Burns And Trauma Research Abstract: Objectives Children residing in areas outside major metropolitan centres may be at higher risk of injury incidence and adverse outcomes as they are routinely exposed to...
- 3 July 2017
Dr Bronwyn Griffin1, Prof Roy Kimble1 1Centre For Children’s Burns And Trauma Research Abstract: Objectives Children residing in areas outside major metropolitan centres may be at higher risk of injury incidence and adverse outcomes as they are routinely exposed to...
- 3 July 2017
Mrs Miranda Pye1 1Concord Burns Unit Abstract: This study involved a retrospective audit of laboratory investigations utilized at Concord Repatriation General Hospital’s Severe Burns Injury Unit over a two-month period, from January to February 2016. 62 patients were recruited from...
- 3 July 2017
Mrs Miranda Pye1 1Concord Burns Unit Abstract: This study involved a retrospective audit of laboratory investigations utilized at Concord Repatriation General Hospital’s Severe Burns Injury Unit over a two-month period, from January to February 2016. 62 patients were recruited from...
- 3 July 2017
Mrs Miranda Pye1 1Concord Burns Unit Abstract: This study involved a retrospective audit of laboratory investigations utilized at Concord Repatriation General Hospital’s Severe Burns Injury Unit over a two-month period, from January to February 2016. 62 patients were recruited from...
- 3 July 2017
Mrs Miranda Pye1 1Concord Burns Unit Abstract: This study involved a retrospective audit of laboratory investigations utilized at Concord Repatriation General Hospital’s Severe Burns Injury Unit over a two-month period, from January to February 2016. 62 patients were recruited from...
- 3 July 2017
Mrs Miranda Pye1 1Concord Repatriation General Hospital, Burns Unit Abstract: Oxycodone is a commonly used opioid analgesic medication. It has been identified as one of the most frequently prescribed, new medications for patients treated at Concord Repatriation General Hospital’s Severe...
- 3 July 2017
Mrs Miranda Pye1 1Concord Repatriation General Hospital, Burns Unit Abstract: Oxycodone is a commonly used opioid analgesic medication. It has been identified as one of the most frequently prescribed, new medications for patients treated at Concord Repatriation General Hospital’s Severe...
- 3 July 2017
Mrs Miranda Pye1 1Concord Repatriation General Hospital, Burns Unit Abstract: Oxycodone is a commonly used opioid analgesic medication. It has been identified as one of the most frequently prescribed, new medications for patients treated at Concord Repatriation General Hospital’s Severe...
- 3 July 2017
Dr Peter Meier1, Ms Anna Goodwin-Walters1,2 1State Burns Service of Western Australia , 2Fiona Stanley Plastic and Reconstructice Service Abstract: Introduction: Driptorchs are tools used in agriculture to intentionally ignite fires for burning off of wheat stubble. The driptorch comprises...
- 3 July 2017