Dr Dinuksha De Silva1, Dr Aruna Wijewardana1, Dr Esther Ting1, Prof Ian Kerridge1,2, Dr John Vandervord1 1Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, Australia, 2Northern Blood Research Centre, Kolling Institute, Sydney, Australia Abstract: Burn injuries exert enormous physiological stress on the...
- 30 June 2017
Mr Christopher Bartimote1, Dr Aruna Wijewardana2, Dr John Vandervord2, Dr Jeon Cha2 1The University Of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 2Plastics, Burns and Maxillofacial Reconstructive Surgery, Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, Australia Abstract: Background A large total body surface area (TBSA)...
- 30 June 2017
Mr Christopher Bartimote1, Dr Aruna Wijewardana2, Dr John Vandervord2, Dr Jeon Cha2 1The University Of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 2Plastics, Burns and Maxillofacial Reconstructive Surgery, Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, Australia Abstract: Background A large total body surface area (TBSA)...
- 30 June 2017
Mr Christopher Bartimote1, Dr Aruna Wijewardana2, Dr John Vandervord2, Dr Jeon Cha2 1The University Of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 2Plastics, Burns and Maxillofacial Reconstructive Surgery, Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, Australia Abstract: Background A large total body surface area (TBSA)...
- 30 June 2017
Dr Ed Riordan1, Dr Pratik Rastogi1, Ms Siobhan Connolly1, Dr Jeon Cha1 1Royal North Shore Hospital, Randwick North, Australia Abstract: Purpose: Although a substantial amount of literature exists on quantifying and reducing the incidence of tea and coffee related burns...
- 30 June 2017
Dr Ed Riordan1, Dr Pratik Rastogi1, Ms Siobhan Connolly1, Dr Jeon Cha1 1Royal North Shore Hospital, Randwick North, Australia Abstract: Purpose: Although a substantial amount of literature exists on quantifying and reducing the incidence of tea and coffee related burns...
- 30 June 2017
Mrs Kristen Storey1, Dr Bronwyn Griffin2, Professor Roy Kimble1,2 1Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital, South Brisbane, Australia, 2Centre for Children’s Burns and Trauma Research, South Brisbane, Australia Abstracts: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) can be a lifesaving modality for children with respiratory...
- 30 June 2017
Mrs Kristen Storey1, Dr Bronwyn Griffin2, Professor Roy Kimble1,2 1Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital, South Brisbane, Australia, 2Centre for Children’s Burns and Trauma Research, South Brisbane, Australia Abstracts: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) can be a lifesaving modality for children with respiratory...
- 30 June 2017
Mrs Kristen Storey1, Dr Bronwyn Griffin2, Professor Roy Kimble1,2 1Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital, South Brisbane, Australia, 2Centre for Children’s Burns and Trauma Research, South Brisbane, Australia Abstracts: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) can be a lifesaving modality for children with respiratory...
- 30 June 2017
Ms Rachel Edmondson1, Ms Joanne Glinsky2, Ms Julie Bricknell1, Ms Louisa Wardrope3, Ms Stephanie Wicks4, Ms Kate Thompson4, Ms Cheri Templeton4, Ms Lisa Harvey2, Ms Anne Darton5 1Severe Burn Unit, Royal North Shore Hospital, St Leonards, Australia, 2John Walsh Centre...
- 30 June 2017