Please note this program is provisional and will be updated as planning proceeds. Please check back regularly for updates.



0800 – 1600

ANZBA Board Meeting

Chancellor 4

0815 – 1430

Advanced Skills Compression workshop for Senior Clinicians

Facilitated by Rosemary Kendell 

Harbourview Room 1

1500 – 1700

Workshop – Axilla Splinting for Senior Clinicians

Facilitated by Stephanie Wicks, Claire Toose & Rhi Thomas

Harbourview Room 1

1600 – 1700

Nursing Executive Meeting

Chancellor 4

1700 – 1800

Prevention Meeting

Chancellor 4


0800 – 1300

Workshop – Health Practitioners’ Toolkit for Trauma-Informed Care in Burns

Facilitated by Martha Druery, Dr Alexandra De Young, Helen Jowett & Dr Shelley Wiechman

Harbourview Room 1

1100 – 1345

Forum Registration

1300 – 1345

Lunch & Exhibition

Mezzanine Level, Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart

Allied Health Forum

Grand Ballroom 1

Nursing Forum

Grand Ballroom 2

Scientific Forum

Harbourview Room 1

Session Chairs:

Leah Reid & Frances Latham

Session Chairs:

Yvonne Echaburu & Rebecca Schrale

Session Chairs:  Dr Andrew Castley & Nanda Kandamany
1345 – 1355

Welcome & App Introduction

Frances Latham & Teresa Squires

1345 – 1355

Welcome & App Introduction

Rebecca Schrale

1345 – 1355

Welcome & App Introduction

Dr Andrew Castley

1355 – 1405

A retrospective review of the management and functional outcomes of patients who developed Heterotopic Ossification in one or bilateral upper limbs post severe burn injury at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) between 2006 and 2016

Andrea Mc Kittrick

1355 – 1410

Burns nursing across the ages

Alette De Jong

1355 – 1410

Review and update on research pertaining to burn depth progression

Dr James Jeng

1405 – 1415

A new age of rehabilitation: experiences of an Occupational Therapy led telehealth review clinic

Debra Phillips

1410 – 1420

Lithium ion button battery causing a full-thickness cutaneous burn while trapped under an occlusive burns dressing

Kelly Waddell

1410 – 1425

Skin Substitutes for Full Thickness Burns and Wounds: Potpourri or Putridity?

Dr Victor Joe

1415 – 1425

Prevention Update

Siobhan Connolly

1420 – 1430

Factors influencing acute paediatric burn care in Western Australia

Tania McWilliams

1425 – 1435

Amniotic membrane as a scaffold: harvesting, preparation and the effects of preservation

Dr Susan Jehangir

1425 – 1450 Allied Health Business 1430 – 1440

Pilot project: Thinking outside the square. Low frequency ultrasound debridement in slow healing burn wounds

Sharon Rowe

1435 – 1445

Preclinical assessment of efficacy of Wharton’s jelly mesenchymal stem cells on a scaffold of amniotic membrane in wound healing using a porcine model

Dr Susan Jehangir

1440 – 1450

Nursing Executive summary and Close

Natalia Adanichkin

1445 – 1455

Exploring the Heterogeneity of Keloid Fibroblasts

Dr Andrew Stevenson

1450 – 1505

Afternoon Tea

Mezzanine Level

1455 – 1505

Protein C in burns as a marker of severity, recovery and prognosis

Dr Ruilong Zhao






1505 – 1515

Preclinical assessment of efficacy of Wharton’s jelly mesenchymal stem cells on a scaffold of Aloe vera-Polycaprolactone in wound healing using a rat burn model.

Dr Susan Jehangir

1515 – 1525

The impact of Matrix Stiffness on Fibroblast Phenotype and Keloid

Zhenjun Deng


1525 – 1535

Platelet reactivity increased following non-severe burn injury

Dr Andrew Stevenson


1535 – 1545 Question / Discussion Panel
1545 – 1600

Afternoon Tea

Mezzanine Level



Combined Allied Health & Nursing Forum

Grand Ballroom 1

ANZBA Research Sub Committee

Chancellor 5

Session Chairs:

Rebecca Schrale & Leah Reid

Session Chairs:

Jeremy Rawlins & A/Prof Leila Cuttle

1505 – 1520

Alleviating distress at the bedside

Dr Shelley Weichman


1600 – 1700

ANZBA Research Sub Committee Meeting

1520 – 1530

The science of stress reduction; cultivating trauma resilience in our patients, their families and ourselves

Martha Druery

1530 – 1540

Feasibility of implementing a screen-and-treat early intervention program for PTSD as part of routine clinical care in a paediatric burns outpatient department

Alexander De Young

1540 – 1550

Parent and caregiver preparedness for their child’s first burns outpatient clinic visit

Nicole Alexander & Ioanna Coutsouvelis

1550 – 1605

How do we care for each other whilst caring for the most severely injured children and their families?

Helen Jowett

1605 – 1620

Fixing the physical is the easy bit: establishing effective partnerships with the patient is the hard bit

Bill McGuiness

1620 – 1640

Pain Revolution

Cate Andrews 

1640 – 1655

Burns Physiotherapy in Fiji

Akisi Dovibua & Jenny Ball

1655 – 1700


Rebecca Schrale

1300 – 1630

Exhibitor Bump In

Federation Ballroom

1700 – 1900

Welcome Reception

Federation Ballroom




0730 – 1730

ANZBA ASM Registration

Mezzanine Level

0715 – 0815

Molnlycke Sponsored Breakfast Session

The Differing Coping Styles of Managing Pain and their Impact on Medical Treatment

Shelley Wiechman, Associate Professor, Attending Psychologist, Harbourview Medical Centre, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine

Grand Ballroom 1

ASM Session

Grand Ballroom 2 & 3

Session Chairs Dr Andrew Castley & Rebecca Schrale
0830 – 0840

Welcome to ANZBA 2019

Dr Andrew Castley & Rebecca Schrale

0840 – 0845

Welcome to Country

Alison Overeem

0845 – 0900

Official Opening

Her Excellency Professor the Honourable Kate Warner AC, Tasmanian Governor

0900 – 0915

Platinum Sponsor Presentation – Smith & Nephew

Jennifer Luke, Senior Business Unit Director, AWM

0915 – 0930


Scally Wags, Exit Left

0930 – 1000

Murray Clarke Oration

The development of Plastic Surgery and Burn services in the Pacific

Dr Simon Thomson

1000 – 1030

Morning Tea & Exhibition

Federation Ballroom

ASM Session – Burns Care into the future

Grand Ballroom 2 & 3

Session Chairs Nanda Kandamany & Jeremy Rawlins
1030 – 1045

Future deliverables in the pipeline for burn disaster preparedness in the USA

Dr James Jeng

1045 – 1105

Launch Into The Future Of Burns Care In Space

Dr Alicia Tucker

1105 – 1120

Development of Robust Quality/Performance Improvement Programs

Dr Victor Joe

1120 – 1130

An Update on BQIP: Driving Improved Burn Care Through Registry Data

Dr Lincoln Tracy

1130 – 1140

The World Health Organization’s Global Burn Registry: Defining the problem of violence against women through acts of burning

Yvonne Singer

1140 – 1150

The ISBI Women’s Safety Initiative: reducing violence against women and girls by burning

Yvonne Singer

1150 – 1200

V.C.S. Project – Introducing digital solutions for clinical management and quality improvement

Graeme McLeod

1200 – 1300

Lunch & Exhibition

Federation Ballroom

BRANZ Meeting

Chancellor 5

ASM Session

Grand Ballroom 2 & 3

Session Chairs Craig Quarmby & Siobhan Connolly
1300 – 1315

Burns and Inequity: a Public Health Approach

Associate Professor Kate MacIntyre

1315 – 1330

Burns Care in the Pacific

Dr Semesa Matananciake

1330 – 1340

Impact Presentations

More than skin deep: Development of a Paediatric Burns Long Term Case Meeting

Linda Quinn

Lithium battery explosions – A statewide NSW review 

Dr Jason Diab

Effectiveness of a Hydrogel Dressing as an analgesic adjunct to first aid for the treatment of acute paediatric burn injuries

Maleea Holbert

Campfire awareness across the ages: Move over media release – Make room for #SocialMedia

Tamsin Mahoney


1340 – 1350

Venous thromboembolism in burns patients: are we underestimating the risk and under-dosing for prophylaxis

Patrick Lu

1350 – 1400

Establishing disability weights and the burden of burn injuries in Australia, New Zealand and the Netherlands

Dale Edgar

1400 – 1410

Does electrical stimulation improve healing in acute burns, as measured by bioimpedance?

Dale Edwick

1410 – 1420

Study of negative pressure wound therapy as an adjunct treatment for acute burns in children (SONATA in C): a randomised controlled tri

Cody Frear

1420 – 1430

Respiratory muscle strength training (RMST): an adjunctive method to facilitate swallow and pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with severe deconditioning and tissue loss

Dr Nicola Clayton

1430 – 1500

Afternoon Tea & Exhibition

Federation Ballroom

ASM Session – Pain & Itch

Grand Ballroom 2 & 3

Session Chairs Kelly Waddell & Dr Warwick Teague
1500 – 1515

Nonpharmacological Management of Burn Pain and Itch

Associate Professor Shelley Wiechman


1515 – 1525

Parental presence during wound care of their child

Dr Alette de Jong

1525 – 1535

Analgesia Protocols for Burns Dressings: Challenges with Implementation 

Dr Shelley Wall

1535 – 1545

Gabapentin fails to deliver opioid sparing in burn injured patients during their ICU stay

Francois Stapelberg

1545 – 1600

Pain measurement: completing the toolbox

Dr Alette de Jong

1600 – 1700 ANZBA Annual General Meeting
1800 – 1900

Government House Reception

Please meet in the Hotel Grand Chancellor Lobby at 1740.  Coaches will return to the Hotel Grand Chancellor and Salamanca at the conclusion of the reception.

1930 – 2230

Australian Medical Supplies Sponsored Dinner Seminar

Improving quality of burn survival focussed on the burn care in the Ghent University.

Henk Hoeksema 

Harbour View 1


0730 – 1600

ANZBA ASM Registration

Mezzanine Level

0715 – 0815

Smith & Nephew Sponsored Breakfast Session

Technology through the ages

Dr James Jeng MD, General Surgeon, Chester Pennsylvania,

Prof. Roy Kimble, Director, Pegg Leditschke Children’s Burns Centre, QLD, Australia 

Grand Ballroom 1

ASM Session – Disaster Management

Grand Ballroom 2 & 3

Session Chairs Yvonne Singer & Yvonne Echaburu
0830 – 0845

Austere guidelines and actionable triage tables for burn crisis standards of care

Dr James Jeng

0845 – 0900

Preparing for disaster by preparing for the day to day

Dr Victor Joe

0900 – 0910

Burns trauma in warfare – lessons in care and prevention

Dr Wiktor Pilch

0910 – 0920

Maintaining adequate training for effective burns disaster response

Dr Alexandra O’Neill

0920 – 0930

Three Years of EMSB in Indonesia: A Journey in Standardizing and Escalating Burn Care in Indonesia

Dr Lisa Hasibuan


0930 – 0940

ANZBA Prevention Project for Pharmacists’ Continuing Professional Development

Dr Lisa Martin

0940 – 0950

A Wicked Problem: The Burn Wound Swabbing Conundrum

Yvonne Singer

0950 – 1000 Discussion
1000 – 1030

Morning Tea & Exhibition

Federation Ballroom

ASM Session – Trauma and Communication

Grand Ballroom 2 & 3

Session Chairs Leah Reid & Alette De Jong
1030 – 1050

Therapeutic Communication

Dr Shelley Wiechman


1050 – 1105

Equalising Health-Related Quality of Life outcomes for the’haves and have nots’ – a challenge for patient-centred burn care into the future

Martha Druery

1105 – 1120

Critical Incident Debrief following a challenging major trauma admission

Helen Jowett

1120 – 1135

Responsive Trauma Informed Care in Paediatric Burns Settings

Alexandra De Young

1135 – 1145

Improving Burn Team Resilience

Yvonne Singer

1145 – 1155 A peer-informed website for the psychosocial support of parents of burn-injured children

Jennifer Heath

1155 – 1205 Discussion
1205 – 1300

Lunch & Exhibition

Federation Ballroom

International Collaborative Project Meeting

Chancellor 5

ASM Session – Scar Management and Physical Therapy

Grand Ballroom 2 & 3

Session Chairs Frances Latham & Henk Hoeksema
1300 – 1315

“Scar prevention and treatment: what is really important?”

Henk Hoeksema

1315 – 1325

Post-burn healing: quantifying optimal compression

Rosemary Kendell

1325 – 1335

Evaluating the effectiveness of a home-based telerehabilitation model for the delivery of physiotherapy exercise programs following burn injury

Anita Plaza

1335 – 1345

Exploration of patients’ views towards the implementation of an Allied Health led TeleBurns model of care

Amber Jones

1345 – 1355

Evaluation of service delivery provided through a scar management triage clinic

Claire Toose


Improving physiotherapists’ capabilities in the management of complex paediatric burn injuries in the paediatric intensive care unit through simulated learning

Crystle Gambetta

1405 – 1415

Effectiveness of topical silicone gel and pressure garment therapy for burn scar prevention and management in children: a randomised controlled trial

Jodie Wiseman

1415 – 1425

Pressure garment therapy in children across the ages: less is more

Tamsin Mahoney


1425 – 1435 Discussion
1435 – 1500

Afternoon Tea & Exhibition 

Federation Ballroom

ASM Session

Grand Ballroom 2 & 3

Session Chairs Anne Darton & Tracey Perrett
1500 – 1525

Debate – Scar management should be the sole responsibility of the Occupational Therapist


  1. Frances Latham, Occupational Therapist, Tasmania
  2. Stephanie Wicks, Physiotherapist, NSW
  3. Dale Edgar, Senior Physiotherapist, Western Australia


  1. Amber Jones, Occupational Therapist, Queensland
  2. Claire Toose, Physiotherapist, New South Wales
  3. Andrea Mc Kittrick, Occupational Therapist, Queensland

1525 – 1535

Impact Presentation

The effect of sedation and inotropic support on the achievement of verticality in burns patients admitted to ICU. A retrospective observational cohort study

Lauren Bright

Management of carbapenem resistant organisms in a major burn centre

Dr Fangbo Lin

Enzymatic debridement in the treatment of partial and full thickness burns: clinical experience in 40 patients

Dr Jenna Langschymidt

The epidemiology of accelerant related burns in the Northern Territory: a 5-year retrospective cohort study

Dr Guy Stanley


1535 – 1545

The importance of objective & accurate burn depth assessment by LDI: many find it important but few use it

Henk Hoeksema

1545 – 1555

End of range axilla splinting to prevent contracture in paedaitric burn survivors

Stephanie Wicks

1555 – 1605

Movement and Mobility protocols after surgical management of burn injuries: An audit of current practice at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital

Phillipa Ault

1605 – 1615

Early Debridement versus Delayed Debridement in Paediatric Burns and the implications on outcomes.

Dr Bronwyn Griffin

1615 – 1625

Is Biodegradable Temporising Matrix a new-age hero of dermal scaffolds and wound closure? The experience in a quaternary paediatric hospital

Alicia Miers

1625 – 1635

Impact Presentation





To splint or not to splint: that is the paediatric hand burn pre-operative question?

Tamsin Mahoney


Comparison of different methods of compression for managing oedema following hand burn injury

Dale Edwick

The Matching Assessment using Photographs with Scars (MAPS) App: Reliability testing

Rochelle Kurmis


A pilot study on post-burn healing: Optimising scar outcome through the use of a silicone-based film-forming wound dressing

Fiona Poelchow

1700 – 1930

ANZBA Social Afternoon

Quintessential location on Hobart’s idyllic waterfront

Unbelievably good Tasmanian produce

Interstate rivalry

Zooper Dooper fun!

Join us for the inaugural ANZBA Quiz!  This will not be your ordinary Quiz night, there will be some questions, some games and lots of friendly banter, but most importantly there will be some great prizes and bragging rights up for grabs.

Brooke St Larder, Brooke St Pier

1930 – 2230

PolyNovo Soirée – One year on with BTM

The Glasshouse, Brooke Street Pier


0800 – 1600

ANZBA ASM Registration

Mezzanine Level

0715 – 0815

PolyNovo Sponsored Breakfast Session

“BTM Across The Ages”

Professor Roy Kimble, Paediatric & Neonatal Surgeon, Queensland Children’s Hospital, Brisbane

Dr Heather Cleland, Head of the Victorian Adult Burns Unit at the Alfred, Melbourne

Grand Ballroom 1

ASM Session – Extremes of Age

Grand Ballroom 2 & 3

Session Chairs Shelley Wiechman & Richard Wong She

0830 – 0840

Impact Presentations





Heart Rate as an Isolated Fitness Indicator: is it time to eradicate Age and Gender Considerations in the Burn Injury Patient Demographic

Dr Danika Jurat

Can we eliminate donor sites using dermal replacement matrices?

Olivia McGifford

Presence of adipose tissue after autologous fat transplantation in patients with adherent scars, a pilot study

Dr Sandra Jongen


The health impact and economic cost of residential fires: protocol for a population-based cohort study using linked data

Dr Lara Harvey

Synanceia First Aid: The New Burn’s Risk?

Dr Danika Jurat

0840 – 0855

Characteristics and management of burns in older adults

Dr Lincoln Tracy

0855 – 0910

Systematic Efforts to Better Grasp Burn Injuries in Elderly Patients

Dr James Jeng

0910 – 0930

Burns through the ages: The Issue of dementia

Professor Andrew Robinson


0930 – 0945

When TBSA is not the only size that matters: burns in neonates and young infants

Associate Professor Warwick Teague

0945 – 0955

Broad immunophenotyping of paediatric burn survivors demonstrates long-term changes to immune profile

Dr Andrew Stevenson

0955 – 1005 Discussion
1005 – 1030

Morning Tea & Exhibition

Federation Ballroom

ASM Session

Grand Ballroom 2 & 3

Session Chairs Dr Victor Joe & Nanda Kandamany
1030 – 1040

A scoping review of the incidences of basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas in burns survivors, and the efficacy of sun protection

Andrea Mc Kittrick

1040 – 1050

Utilising mouse models to investigate the link between burn injury and cancer

Dr Lucy Barrett

1050 – 1100

The treatment of deep dermal burn wounds with Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) after enzymatic debridement

Dr Jennifer Schiefer

1100 – 1110

Wound healing after cultured epithelial autografting in patients with massive burn injury: a cohort study

Cheng Hean Lo

1110 – 1120

Does chemoprophylaxis prevent venous thromboembolism in burns patients? Findings from the Burns Registry of Australia and New Zealand

Dr Lincoln Tracy

1120 – 1130

Exposing the secret world of paediatric burn wound exosomes

Dr Tony Parker

1130 – 1140

Impact Presentations






Positive blood cultures in a burn cohort: Findings from the Burns Registry of Australia & New Zealand

Yvonne Singer

Equipping parents to cope with their child’s injuries: A systematic review

Jo Butler

School holiday “burnanza”

Dr Sonia Tran

Burn wound progression: A histological analysis of the mechanisms responsible

Raymond Quan


The efficacy of CUTICERIN® with or without a Regenerative Epithelial Suspension (RES™), on donor site pigmentation in children: The DRESSing Trial Protocol

Dr Anjana Bairagi


1140 – 1200

Management options for obesity

Professor Wendy Brown

1200 – 1220

“Getting Moving” – The Retrieval and Intensive Care Challenges of Obese Patients

Michael Ashbolt

1215 – 1315

Lunch & Exhibition

Federation Ballroom

ASM Session – Palliative Care

Grand Ballroom 2 & 3

Session Chairs Dr James Jeng & Heather Cleland
1315 – 1335

Palliative Care in the Burns Setting; part of comprehensive care for unsurvivable burns

Dr Michelle Gold


1335 – 1405

An ethical framework for redirecting burns care to palliation… how to make impossible decisions possible

Associate Professor Warwick Teague & Professor Lynn Gillam 

1405 – 1415

Palliative Care in the Pacific 

Dr Semesa Matananciake

1415 – 1425 Discussion
1425 – 1500

Afternoon Tea & Exhibition

Federation Ballroom

ASM Session 

Grand Ballroom 2 & 3

Session Chairs Dr Andrew Castley & Rebecca Schrale

1500 – 1510

Impact Presentations

Surgical needling for management of hypertrophic scars following burns injuries at Queensland Children’s Hospital

Dr Holly Campbell

Psychosocial Practice in the Changing Context of the Larger Burns Survivor – Maximising psychosocial recovery through reintegrating towards a new reality

Jenny Edge


The effect of parent, child, and clinician interactions on the development of trauma responses in families

Jo Butler

1510 – 1520

Handheld Indirect Calorimetry in the Burns Unit: a feasibility study

Caroline Nicholls


1520 – 1530

A burns nurse practitioner model at Victorian Adult Burns Service (VABS). A year on

Hana Menezes

1530 – 1540

A composite cultured skin-bench to bedside

Bronwyn Dearman


Debate – The Director of the Burns Unit should no longer be a surgeon


  1. Dr Victor Joe, Burns Centre Director, United States
  2. Tracey Perrett, National Burns Service Coordinator, New Zealand
  3. Craig Quarmby, Plastic Surgeon, Tasmania


  1. Prof. James Jeng, General Surgeon, United States
  2. Kelly Waddell, Nurse Practitioner, New South Wales
  3. Prof. Roy Kimble, Burns Centre Director, Queensland 
1605 – 1630 Closing and Handover to ANZBA 2020
1900 – 2300