Towards Zero Waste
Andrew Frank1, Graeme McLeod1, 1South Metropolitan Health Service, State Adult Burns Unit, Perth, Western Australia, Australia
In the last year SABUWA has moved towards zero waste in our clinical and operational practice.
•We moved to electronic outcomes for consultant clinics and for our regional Burns Management training program,
oDrastically reducing paper and manual data entry.
•The introduction of requesting patients send photos of their injury prior to video call/telehealth appointments.
oDrastically reduced the occurrence of rebooking face to face for wound/scar review.
•We streamlined bulk record extraction for registry, research and reporting use through better utilisation of our “data warehouse” and BOSSnet records. This includes data for Morbidity and Mortality meetings, BRANZ reporting, research such as a donor site survey, yearly infographics on unit activity and more.
We continue to lessen our paper and patient sticker usage and the implementation of electronic outcomes has reduced our outpatient paper usage substantially (est. 6000+ sheets saved). Since November 2022 the Burns Management Program quiz and feedback forms have had over 300 responses, all of which would previously have been paper forms. It has also allowed a far easier at-a-glance evaluation of the program’s efficacy based on attendee’s feedback.
In the next year we hope to introduce a ‘data portal’ for burns that would allow users to extract large amounts of information themselves easily to further facilitate research and unit improvement through data.