Call for Abstracts

Submissions close at 7:00am (NZT) on 4 June 2024

Submit your abstract before deadline

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The Australian and New Zealand Burn Association is accepting presentation submissions for the ANZBA Annual Scientific Meeting to be held at the Hilton Auckland, Aotearoa New Zealand from 29 October – 1 November 2024.

The ANZBA ASM is the premier event for burn care leaders and practitioners in Australia and New Zealand. This year’s meeting revolves around the theme “Adapt to Thrive.” In a constantly evolving world, the ability to adapt is paramount for not just surviving but thriving.

We invite you to be part of this meeting by presenting your research.

Accessing the Portal

If this is your first time submitting an abstract for the ASM, please click on the Submit an Abstract button below. Then click on ‘Begin here’ button in the submission site before being able to create your submission.

This will prompt you to enter your email address and create a password for your profile. You will then need to complete your Contact Information and upload your biography and photo. Once complete click on the ‘proceed’ button. After creating your profile, you will have access to submit, edit and withdraw any of your submission(s).

Note. If you have already created a profile, you will only need to enter your email address and password and click ‘Sign in’

Guidelines and Submission Instructions


Please read the following instructions on how to prepare and submit your abstract for the ANZBA Annual Scientific Meeting.

Submissions will be returned if the guidelines are not adhered to. Accepted abstracts will be published exactly as they are submitted.


* Abstracts submitted in hard copy will not be accepted. Only abstracts submitted via the online portal will be accepted and reviewed.

*All abstracts must be prepared in English.

All accepted abstracts will be:

  • published exactly as they are submitted
  • appear in the ASM app
  • made available to the ASM delegates

*All authors accepted to deliver a session must register for the ASM and pay the applicable registration fees (either full registration or a day ticket)

*The submitting author (if different to the presenting author) will be the one linked to the abstract and will receive all relevant information via email. It is the submitting author’s exclusive responsibility to ensure that all relevant emails are passed onto the presenting author and any other relevant parties.

Please remember to proof read the abstract submission before pressing submit. 

Key Dates

Abstract submissions open 14 March 2024
Early bird registration opens 8 May 2024
Call for abstracts closes 4 June 2024
Notification to authors 28 June 2024
Early bird registration closes 2 September 2024
Submitting your abstract
  • There are no restrictions on the number of submissions you may submit or the number of submissions you may present
  • The deadline for submissions is 7:00am (NZT) on 4 June 2024

Submitting an abstract is a multi-step process:

  1. Ensure you have a copy of your abstract file on hand so that you can copy/paste the information easily into the text-based submission form fields.
  2. Your abstract body is to be no more than 250 words
  3. Abstracts should be referenced using the Harvard style

Step 1: Terms and Conditions

Please also acknowledge that your abstract will only be accepted into the final program if you have a valid registration.

Step 2: Categorisation

Presentation Type – select the type of presentation you’d like to present (You can select any number of preferences)
The program committee can place you in any of these presentation types depending on program space and balance.

Oral Presentation anticipated to be scheduled for 8 minutes of oral presentation followed by 2 minutes for questions
ePoster with Impact Presentation anticipated to be scheduled for 2 minutes of presentation with no questions
ePoster displayed for the duration of the meeting in the ASM app and onsite via monitor. Posters will be a single PowerPoint slide and can include video and audio

ANZBA ASM Award Category – select the award that your presentation or ePoster is eligible for.

Care assessment and management of burn injured persons – acute, rehab, scar management, etc
Research scientific work with appropriate evidence
Prevention primary burn prevention initiative, aimed at reducing burn numbers from occurring
Education initiative aimed at improving knowledge of clinicians to better manage burn patients


Step 3: Abstract Title (max. 20 words)

Your title should be brief but long enough to clearly indicate the nature of the abstract. If you wish to include a subtitle, it must be included in the abstract body.

  • Please double-check your title, as it will be published as submitted
  • Use mixed case for title – do not use all caps or all lowercase. Do not put your title in quotation marks

Step 4: Authors & Affiliations

Your details as the main contact will automatically appear as an author. You will need to begin by checking your details are correct, add an affiliation and ticking if you are a presenter. Once it has been completed, you can add any additional authors and affiliations.

Please enter all authors in the order they should appear in the head of the abstract. If you (the Contact Author) are not the Presenter on a submission, you will need to provide contact information for the Presenter.

* Affiliations that are in the dropdown box and not selected will not be displayed
* Please ensure the spelling of their names and affiliations (if applicable) is correct.
* Please consult with your co-authors on how they would like their names to appear.
* Provide an email contact for each co-author to confirm their contribution to the presentation

Step 5: Abstract (max. 250 words)

  • Enter the abstract text, by either copy/pasting from your word file or typing in the information.
  • Abstracts should be referenced using the Harvard style
  • Initial ePoster submissions require a written abstract, once accepted you can then design your slide
  • Once your submission is complete, please read your abstract in full to ensure all details are correct.
  • Do not use tables or figures.
  • Ensure your abstract is print ready Ie. If successful, the session information will appear in the ASM collateral as it has been submitted in the abstract.

Step 6: Confirm the following items for your abstract submission

Confirm the following items for your authors:

  • Previously Presented– If you have presented this topic previously please advise where and when
  • Present at Forums – Please advise if you are happy to present at any of the forums on 29 October
  • Biography of Presenting Author(s) (max 150. words) – Provide a biography of the Presenting Author(s) exactly as it should be published on the website and ASM app. The biography is limited to 150 words each and preferably written in third person.

Step 7

Once complete you will be taken to a summary page to review all the details you have entered. If you are happy with the information, you may then click on the Finalise Submission button. The next screen will confirm your submission has been received. You will be sent a confirmation email.

Abstract Review Process

The Program Committee will review all submitted abstract. As there are limited places for oral presentations, some abstracts submitted for oral presentation may be offered impact presentations or ePosters.

  • You will be notified electronically of the acceptance/rejection of your abstract on 28 June 2024
Need Help?

For technical assistance, regarding the abstract submission site, contact the Conference Managers of the ANZBA ASM on +61 2 9431 8600 Monday through Friday, or by email

For general abstract enquiries, email