Justin Hunt1, Kate Houghton Jason Brown 1Royal Brisbane And Women’s Hospital, Brisbane , Queensland , Australia
This poster highlights initiatives taken by Queensland Health and the Queensland Adult Burns Service to enhance virtual services to improve access to specialist burns care and address inequalities in health outcomes to rural and regional people, as well as for Indigenous peoples.
Over 38% of Queensland’s population resides in rural and remote areas, including 66% of the indigenous population (Queensland Health, 2022). Disparities in health outcomes persist in non-metropolitan areas, with a life expectancy 10 years lower in remote areas, and higher rates of chronic disease (Queensland Health, 2022). Annually, around 71 500 patients travel long distances to seek healthcare and over 60% of people surveyed in remote and very remote areas report the lack of nearby specialists prevents them from accessing care (Queensland Health, 2021). Virtual services ensure equitable access and present an opportunity to address these disparities.
Under a state-wide strategy, the Queensland Adult Burns Service expanded virtual services, including emergency teleconferencing, outpatient phone and telehealth services, and inpatient specialist consultations. This was achieved through infrastructure investment and improved administrative processes. Services have been provided to all QLD HHS. In outpatients, virtual services provide 24% of all appointments (686 encounters), including 28% of those for Indigenous patients. Telehealth (video) now represents in 72% of all virtual appointments, including 75% of those for Indigenous patients.
Expansion of virtual services is vital to improve health outcomes in non-metropolitan areas, and can be achieved via a targeted strategy, technology investments and streamlined administrative processes.
Rural and Remote Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022–2027 (2022) Rural and Remote Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2022-2027. Queensland Health. Available at: https://www.health.qld.gov.au/system-governance/strategic-direction/plans/rural-and-remote-health-and-wellbeing-strategy (Accessed: May 7, 2023).
Telehealth (2021) Queensland Health. Queensland Government. Available at: https://www.health.qld.gov.au/telehealth (Accessed: May 7, 2023).
Justin Hunt is a Junior House Officer at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital, interested in burns care and research.