A co-designed, trauma-informed, psychosocial intervention for paediatric burn patients: Protocol for the Wellbeing study
Nicole Wickens1, Lisa McGivern1, Patricia de Gouveia Belinelo1, Helen Milroy2, Lisa Martin2,3, Fiona Wood2,4,5, Indijah Bullman1, Elmie Janse van Rensburg1, Rigel Paciente1, Alix Woolard1,2, 1Telethon Kids Institute, Nedlands, WA, Australia 2University of Western Australia, Crawley , WA, Australia3Perth Children’s Hospital, Nedlands, WA, Australia4Burns Service of Western Australia, Murdoch, WA, Australia5Fiona Wood Foundation, Murdoch, WA, Australia
Background: Improvements in medical treatments have led to better physical outcomes and reduced mortality rates for paediatric burns patients however, the psychological impact associated with experiencing such a traumatic injury have mostly been overlooked. This is concerning given the high incidence of psychopathology amongst paediatric burn survivors.
Objectives: This project aims to evaluate a co-designed trauma-focused intervention to support resilience and promote positive mental health in paediatric burn patients. We will collect pilot data to evaluate the efficacy and feasibility of the intervention and to inform the design of future trauma-focussed interventions. We will also explore the relationship between patient variables and mental health prior to the intervention taking place.
Methods: This pilot intervention will recruit forty children aged between 6-17 years who have sustained an acute burn injury and their respective caregivers (n=80). These participants will have attended the Stan Perron Centre of Excellence for Childhood Burns at Perth Childrens Hospital. Participants will attend a 45-minute weekly session for six weeks that involves building skills around psychoeducation, managing emotional and behavioural reactions, bolstering coping skills, problem solving and preventing setbacks. The efficacy and feasibility of our intervention will be assessed through screening measures collected pre- and post-intervention which will identify changes in a child’s and caregiver perceptions of their strengths and difficulties, anxiety levels, post-traumatic stress symptoms, stress, and resilience.
Conclusion: The results of this study will lay the foundation for an evidence-based, trauma-informed approach to clinical care for paediatric burn survivors and their families in Western Australia.
Rigel is currently a research assistant for the Childhood Trauma group at the Telethon Kids Institute. They hold a Bachelor of Science in Anatomy and Human Biology, and a Master of Public Health in Applied Public Health and Public Health Methodology. They are passionate about youth mental health and mental health service accessibility particularly for marginalised groups. Their initial research experience is in suicide prevention service accessibility for LGBTQA+ young people, but have a keen interest to explore other facets of youth mental health.