Case Series: Aquacel Ag Plus Extra® – Does the PLUS make all the difference?

Gabby Pulbrook1,
1Tasmanian Health Service – Royal Hobart Hospital, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia


Introduction: Commenced trial of Aquacel Ag PLUS Extra® for our non-healing wounds on 25th August 2022. A review of 3 patients will be presented
Case 1: A small non-healing distal wound to a degloving injury in a lower leg, 8 months post injury.
Case 2: A small, deep dermal chemical burn to a scalp for conservative management.
Case 3: A one month old full thickness burn to dorsum of hand in an unstable type 1 diabetic patient, with other non-healing wounds.

Method: A review of the digital medical record for 3 patients that we trialled Aquacel Ag PLUS Extra® on who had wounds less than 1% TBSA that have remained unhealed by one month or more. Photos were taken throughout the trial and will be presented.

Results: Size significantly reduced after first few applications, after wounds not changing for weeks to months prior to the trial of Aquacel Ag PLUS Extra®.

Conclusion: Easy to use. Can last up to a week if not heavily exudating. Significant reduction in size in first 2-3 weeks of using product with these patients with long standing non-healing wounds. This product is now part of the minor burns management ‘toolbox’ used at the Tasmanian Burns Unit.


Gabby Pulbrook – Burns Clinical Nurse Specialist – Tasmanian Health Service