The NSW Burn Injury Service twenty years on
Siobhan Connolly1, Anne Darton1, 1ACI Statewide Burn Injury Service, St Leonards, NSW, Australia
The NSW Statewide Burn Injury Service (SBIS) was established in 2003 and works to ensure the highest quality of care is provided to burn injured patients from admission through to hospital discharge, rehabilitation and ongoing support. The SBIS delivers education across the state to clinicians and monitors quality of care and clinical variation.
The SBIS has a focus on prevention of burn injuries through community education programs and collaboration with key groups inside and outside of health. It also utilises the data to support the development of key documents, articles and conference papers.
The SBIS Vision is “Long term quality survival for burn injured patients”
The SBIS has achieved creation and collaboration on numerous pieces of work including standardised documents, clinical data registry, transfer feedback system, NSW Trauma app, disaster management, peer support program, partnerships and collaborations.
Towards zero inequity
A new co-designed burn model of care is being developed to contribute to existing knowledge in the burn field and help make sure that all burn injured people in NSW get the best care available.
A bespoke course to educate Aboriginal Medical Services is also being created to support First Nations persons with minor burns.
The SBIS will continue to collaborate and support clinicians, consumers and researchers for equity for all burn injured persons, their family, carers and community.
Siobhan has been working in burns for 25 years and is currently the Burn Prevention/Education Manager of the ACI Statewide Burn Injury Service since 2005. Before this time she worked as a burn nurse specialist in the Burn Unit at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead.
She has completed a Bachelor of Nursing and Masters of Nursing Science (Burns Nursing). She is currently a PhD candidate with UNSW.
She is Chair of the ANZBA Burn Prevention Committee and a member of the ANZBA Board.
She has co-authored multiple papers and developed numerous resources for burn management and prevention.