“The Bachelor’s Handbag” Burn – A tale of caution

Lucinda Van de Ven1, Darren Molony1, Linda Quinn1,
1Women’s And Children’s Hospital, Adelaide, SA, Australia


‘The bachelor’s handbag’ is a colloquial term for a takeaway roast/barbeque chicken. It comes from the fact that such a chicken requires no further preparation before consumption, so it seen as an easy meal favoured by a single person and is often packaged in a small plastic bag with a handle representing a handbag. These chickens are a staple in Australian supermarkets and are kept in Bain Maries heated to 81 degrees Celsius.

We review a paediatric case of scald burn from a supermarket barbeque chicken.

Case Report
A 13yo male attempted to steal a barbeque chicken from a supermarket by placing it in his pants. Unfortunately, he placed the bag upside down and it became unsealed spilling the hot oil contents on to his right anterior thigh. He cooled his burn in a nearby fountain.

He presented to an emergency department and had sustained 3% TBSA mid dermal burns. The burns subsequently became infected despite being scrubbed and managed with acticoat dressings and converted to full thickness burns. He underwent debridement of the burns and split thickness grafting.

Whilst ‘the bachelors handbag’ is a family favourite and supermarket staple due to the heat that they are stored they pose a risk to the paediatric population due to the potential of a burns injury. Does there need to be heat warnings in supermarkets when purchasing a BBQ chicken?


Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery Unaccredited Registrar currently the Burns registrar at the Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Adelaide.