Mrs Miranda Pye1
1Concord Repatriation General Hospital, ,
Cavities and tunnels are challenging wounds to manage in the burns population due to various complex reasons. Chronic wounds, with local infection and poor surround skin integrity are particularly challenging. Hydrofera Blue is an antimicrobial foam dressing containing Methylene Blue and Gentian Violet, which also provides negative pressure.
This poster highlights a successful trial of Hydrofera Blue in a burns patient who developed a pressure injury over their right trochanteric region. Due to infection and close proximity to fragile surrounding skin, which was previously debrided and grafted, traditional negative pressure was unviable so an alternative dressing solution was trialed.
To close the 5cm deep proximal right hip tunnel wound Hydrofera Blue Classic antibacterial foam tunneling dressing was used. For the distal right hip wound, which measured 3.9cm wide, 6cm high and 4.5cm deep, Hydrofera Blue Classic antibacterial foam dressing was utilised. The two wounds initially required daily cleansing, tailored application of the dressing and regular assessment to monitor healing. Both wounds were healed successfully using Hydrofera Blue.
The outcome of this patient case study has demonstrated the effectiveness of this dressing product in healing this patients cavity and tunnel wounds. Further trial of Hydrofera Blue is warranted in the burns population, particularly patients with deep infected wounds and fragile skin.
Miranda is a Nurse Practitioner at Concord Repatriation General Hospital Burns Unit. In addition to 17 years of Burns Experience, she has a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing, a Graduate Diploma in Nursing Science-Burns Nursing and Masters in Nursing Nurse Practitioner. She is currently a member of the ANZBA Nursing executive.